STORYJapan Polychem Group
takes on the challenge
of the next stage.

Innovation for
a sustainable tomorrow
As Japan's largest polyolefin manufacturer, Japan Polychem Group has long supported people's lives by developing and stably supplying polyethylene and polypropylene.
We will continue to provide solutions both for the society and the environment.
We will realize a circular economy and carbon neutral society through material conversion, by bio-based resins and chemical recycling, and eco-friendly solutions.
By reducing the amount of petrochemical-derived plastics used, we can reduce GHG emissions, a substance that contributes to global warming.
The use of resin and weight reduction of metal automotive parts and gas pressure vessels has been promoted to reduce CO2 emissions by improving fuel efficiency during driving and transportation. Along with the progress of molding and processing technologies, the technical capabilities and high quality of JPC Group materials have been highly evaluated.
The JPC Group will continue to actively utilize raw materials and materials derived from plants and introduce new low-environmental-impact raw materials in cooperation with suppliers in order to prevent global warming by reducing CO2 emissions and to contribute to the reduction of fossil resource consumption.
By using naphtha feedstock obtained from used waste plastics instead of naphtha feedstock derived from petrochemical feedstock, we are building a recycling cycle.
By converting a product composed of several different materials into a single material product, the sorting process required for recycling can be shortened.
We are developing compatibilizers that can improve quality deterioration caused by poor mixing of polyolefin resin and other resins in packaging materials, which is a concern during material recycling of food containers and packaging, and will contribute to improving the quality of recycled products.
Please feel free to contact us for any work requests or consultations.We will propose the best solution for our customers.